Ep. 33 Movie Theatres Amid Covid 19

In this episode, correspondent Sean Naughton (he/him) and host Edward Frumkin analyze the way movie theaters operate amid the Covid-19 Pandemic and how it has a larger impact on non-profit art houses. Finally in today’s concluding thought, Edward shares his use of Twitter.

Time Codes:

0:50 - How much films can make at today's Box Office?

2:50 - Looking at Theatrical Windows

6:20 - Same day Theater and Streaming Release

9:30 - Needing a Theatrical Release on Saving the Studios

12:00 - Impact on Art House Cinemas and Virtual Cinemas

16:30 - Seeing Full Crowds at Today's Art House Cinemas

21:05 - The State of Art House Cinemas and Streaming Services for the Next Few Years

26:16 - Concluding Thought: Edward's Use of Twitter

Show Notes: 

How Movie Theaters Fought to Survive (Another) Year of Turbulence and Change By Brent Lang and Rebecca Rubin 

Why Movie Theaters Aren't Dead by Edward Vega

This episode is available on Spotify, Apple Music, Google Podcast, RadioPublic, and Stitcher.


Ep. 34 Nothing is Original with Michael A. Coleman


Ep. 32 Audio Documentaries with Chloé Trayner